With this in mind, it was with great joy that I read of the B3ta-esque Qercus competition in issue 2004:5. The idea is to create - using RISC OS of course - images of Paul faking crop circles in collusion with his alien chums. This issue was a bit late, so I've confirmed with Finnybank that the October 15th deadline has been pushed back to the end of the month.
Now, pictures of aliens, crops, and indeed crop circles can been found on Teh Interweb: cropcircleresearch.com is a good place to start, what with it being Paul's own crop circle site. However, it would be remiss of me not to provide a collection of Paul Vigay shots to help out, including the rare shot of him with (some) hair (above right) that I stole off his machine and have been waiting to use for ages. You might also want to check out some of the show reports to find more candid shots I've missed.
Happy faking!
Update: Vince Hudd of Soft Rock Software sends in this example. He's not entering the compo, and it's not 100% RISC OS generated, but it's a good example of our evil alien overlords doing their thang. If you are entering the compo, don't forget to send them to Qercus not us!