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The Icon Bar: Games: GL Frontier: Elite 2
  GL Frontier: Elite 2
  andrew (18:42 1/7/2007)
  SimonC (20:46 2/7/2007)
    Lampi (13:27 3/7/2007)
      Phlamethrower (13:37 3/7/2007)
        Lampi (14:00 3/7/2007)
          Phlamethrower (14:14 3/7/2007)
      andrew (18:43 3/7/2007)
        flibble (19:48 3/7/2007)
        Lampi (09:50 4/7/2007)
          filecore (10:53 4/7/2007)
            Phlamethrower (11:01 4/7/2007)
          andrew (19:33 4/7/2007)
            Phlamethrower (19:54 4/7/2007)
              andrew (13:47 30/9/2007)
Andrew Message #103237, posted by andrew at 18:42, 1/7/2007
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439

Will this compile on RISC OS?
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Simon Challands Message #103269, posted by SimonC at 20:46, 2/7/2007, in reply to message #103237
Right on, Commander!

Posts: 398
I believe most of the game code is still x86.
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James Lampard Message #103281, posted by Lampi at 13:27, 3/7/2007, in reply to message #103269

Posts: 190
I believe most of the game code is still x86.
Actually it can convert the x86 code into C which is clever.

Unfortunatly there are lots of type warnings (The source assumes chars are signed - on the ARM they aren't) and I don't have the 200 -300MB RAM the README file claims you need to compile the resulting source file.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #103282, posted by Phlamethrower at 13:37, 3/7/2007, in reply to message #103281
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
(The source assumes chars are signed - on the ARM they aren't)
That can be changed with a compiler option, can't it?

and I don't have the 200 -300MB RAM the README file claims you need to compile the resulting source file.
I do... but IyonixMesa doesn't work on my graphics card so I wouldn't be able to test anything wink
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James Lampard Message #103283, posted by Lampi at 14:00, 3/7/2007, in reply to message #103282

Posts: 190
(The source assumes chars are signed - on the ARM they aren't)
That can be changed with a compiler option, can't it?
Cool, I didn't realise that. I was put off by lots of 'this if can never be true' warnings from GCC and I didn't fancy checking and changing loads of char definitions.

I should mention there are some directory issues too. As68k reads a .s file (which I had to change to _s in the Makefile) and then writes some .c.s files. I also had to setup a UnixEnv$As68K$Sfix variable.

and I don't have the 200 -300MB RAM the README file claims you need to compile the resulting source file.
I do... but IyonixMesa doesn't work on my graphics card so I wouldn't be able to test anything wink
The "Source - Framebuffer only (no openGL) version" which was the version I downloaded shouldn't need it.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #103284, posted by Phlamethrower at 14:14, 3/7/2007, in reply to message #103283
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
The "Source - Framebuffer only (no openGL) version" which was the version I downloaded shouldn't need it.
Ah, nice smile
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Andrew Message #103292, posted by andrew at 18:43, 3/7/2007, in reply to message #103281
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
I believe most of the game code is still x86.
Actually it can convert the x86 code into C which is clever.

Unfortunatly there are lots of type warnings (The source assumes chars are signed - on the ARM they aren't) and I don't have the 200 -300MB RAM the README file claims you need to compile the resulting source file.
That sounds ridiculous - the game patched or otherwise required about 500K from DOS (hopefully try it on the PC card at some point) as Iunderstand it. How does that get multiplied 100 times or more?
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Peter Howkins Message #103293, posted by flibble at 19:48, 3/7/2007, in reply to message #103292

Posts: 892
How does that get multiplied 100 times or more?
Huge symbol table, huge functions or huge tables of data. More likely I guess if the code being compiled is generated C rather than hand written.

Note binary size or memory usage of a compiled program doesn't have to have a huge amount in common with the memory required by the compiler.

But it still seems rather a lot.
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James Lampard Message #103300, posted by Lampi at 09:50, 4/7/2007, in reply to message #103292

Posts: 190

That sounds ridiculous - the game patched or otherwise required about 500K from DOS (hopefully try it on the PC card at some point) as Iunderstand it. How does that get multiplied 100 times or more?
Source size != Object size.
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Jason Togneri Message #103306, posted by filecore at 10:53, 4/7/2007, in reply to message #103300

Posts: 3868
Knowing absolutely fuck all about these things, can't you compile it on an emulated version of the OS with memory bumped up as high as it'll go?
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Jeffrey Lee Message #103307, posted by Phlamethrower at 11:01, 4/7/2007, in reply to message #103306
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Knowing absolutely fuck all about these things, can't you compile it on an emulated version of the OS with memory bumped up as high as it'll go?
Yes - but a much better option would be to compile it on a proper Linux/Windows/etc. machine using the GCCSDK cross-compiler.
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Andrew Message #103311, posted by andrew at 19:33, 4/7/2007, in reply to message #103300
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439

That sounds ridiculous - the game patched or otherwise required about 500K from DOS (hopefully try it on the PC card at some point) as Iunderstand it. How does that get multiplied 100 times or more?
Source size != Object size.
So the object code is colossal - I don't see why. Is it that inefficient?
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Jeffrey Lee Message #103312, posted by Phlamethrower at 19:54, 4/7/2007, in reply to message #103311
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
No, the source size is colossal. Or at least, it requires a colassal amount of RAM to compile it.
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Andrew Message #104613, posted by andrew at 13:47, 30/9/2007, in reply to message #103312
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
Apparently there's an OpenGL verson of FFE as well.
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The Icon Bar: Games: GL Frontier: Elite 2

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